Top Employee Retention Strategies for a Thriving Workplace

Employee retention is a critical aspect of building a successful and sustainable business. High turnover rates can not only disrupt productivity but also incur significant costs in recruitment, training, and lost knowledge. Therefore, implementing effective employee retention strategies is essential for fostering a positive work environment and retaining top talent in a thriving workplace. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top strategies to keep your employees engaged, motivated, and committed to your organisation.


  1. Create a Positive Work Culture: Cultivating a positive work culture is crucial for employee retention. Employees thrive in environments where they feel valued, respected, and appreciated. Encourage open communication, recognise achievements, and foster a sense of belonging within your team. When employees feel connected to their workplace and colleagues, they are more likely to stay engaged and loyal.


  1. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Competitive compensation and benefits packages are key factors in retaining top talent. Conduct regular market research to ensure that your salary and benefits offerings are in line with industry standards. Additionally, consider offering perks such as flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and professional development opportunities to enhance the overall employee experience.


  1. Provide Opportunities for Growth and Advancement: Employees are more likely to stay with an organisation that offers opportunities for growth and advancement. Provide clear pathways for career development, including training programs, mentorship opportunities, and promotional opportunities within the company. When employees see a future with your organisation, they are motivated to invest their time and energy into their roles.


  1. Promote Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for employee satisfaction and retention. Encourage employees to prioritise their well-being by offering flexible work schedules, remote work options, and paid time off. Respect boundaries and avoid overloading employees with excessive workloads or unrealistic expectations. A balanced lifestyle leads to happier, more productive employees who are committed to their jobs.


  1. Foster Strong Leadership and Management: Effective leadership and management play a crucial role in employee retention. Invest in leadership development programs to ensure that managers have the skills and tools needed to support and motivate their teams. Encourage managers to lead by example, provide regular feedback and coaching, and address any issues or concerns promptly. Strong leadership fosters trust and confidence among employees, enhancing their loyalty to the organisation.


  1. Promote a Culture of Recognition and Appreciation: Recognising and appreciating employees for their hard work and contributions is essential for morale and retention. Implement employee recognition programs that celebrate achievements, milestones, and outstanding performance. Whether through formal awards ceremonies or simple gestures of appreciation, acknowledging employees’ efforts goes a long way in building a positive and supportive work environment.


  1. Conduct “Stay Interviews” and Act on Feedback: Stay interviews provide valuable insights into employee satisfaction and potential areas for improvement. Regularly schedule one-on-one conversations with employees to discuss their experiences, concerns, and career aspirations. Actively listen to their feedback and take actionable steps to address any issues or concerns raised. By demonstrating a commitment to their well-being and professional growth, you can strengthen employee loyalty and retention.


Prioritising employee retention is essential for the long-term success of your organisation. By creating a positive work culture, offering competitive compensation and benefits, providing opportunities for growth and advancement, promoting work-life balance, fostering strong leadership, recognising, and appreciating employees, and soliciting feedback through stay interviews, you can cultivate a thriving workplace where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to stay. Investing in your employees’ satisfaction and well-being is not only beneficial for retention but also for overall business performance and success.


We want to help you find candidates who are looking for a career within a thriving workplace like your company. Connect with us on LinkedIn or visit our website for more information.

Crafting Your Personal Brand: A Guide for Job Candidates

In today’s competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is essential. Your resume may showcase your qualifications, but what about your personal brand? Your personal brand is what sets you apart from other candidates and communicates your unique value proposition to potential employers. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of personal branding for job candidates and provide practical tips on how to craft and communicate your brand effectively.


Why Personal Branding Matters

In a sea of resumes and job applications, personal branding helps you make a memorable impression on recruiters and hiring managers. It’s not just about what you do; it’s about how you do it and the story you tell about yourself. A strong personal brand can:

Differentiate You: Highlighting your unique skills, strengths, and personality traits can distinguish you from other candidates with similar qualifications.

Build Credibility: Consistently showcasing your expertise and accomplishments helps build trust and credibility with potential employers.

Increase Visibility: A well-defined personal brand can attract opportunities and make you more visible to recruiters and industry professionals.

Enhance Networking: Your personal brand extends beyond job applications and can help you build meaningful connections and relationships in your industry.


Crafting Your Personal Brand


  1. Self-Reflection:

Start by identifying your core values, strengths, passions, and career goals. What sets you apart from others? What do you want to be known for? Understanding yourself is the foundation of a strong personal brand.


  1. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Your USP is what makes you different and valuable to employers. It could be your expertise in a particular industry, your problem-solving skills, or your ability to lead teams. Clearly articulate your USP in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional materials.


  1. Consistent Messaging:

Ensure consistency in how you present yourself across different platforms and channels. Your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letters, and online presence should all reflect your personal brand and tell a cohesive story about who you are and what you offer.


  1. Showcase Your Expertise:

Demonstrate your expertise by sharing content, insights, and experiences related to your field. Publish articles, participate in industry forums, and engage with relevant communities both online and offline.


Communicating Your Personal Brand


  1. Elevator Pitch:

Craft a compelling elevator pitch that succinctly communicates who you are, what you do, and what value you bring to the table. Practice delivering your pitch confidently and adapt it to different networking situations.


  1. Networking:

Use networking opportunities to share your personal brand with others. Be genuine, authentic, and enthusiastic about what you do. Building genuine relationships is key to effective personal branding.


  1. Online Presence:

Optimise your online presence, especially on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Ensure your profile is complete, up-to-date, and aligned with your personal brand. Regularly share content and engage with your network to stay visible.


  1. Professional Development:

Continuously invest in your professional development to enhance your skills and knowledge. Participate in training programs, attend industry events, and seek out mentorship opportunities to further strengthen your personal brand.


Our Final Thoughts


Your personal brand is a powerful tool that can help you navigate the job market and advance your career. By defining and communicating your unique value proposition effectively, you can differentiate yourself from other job candidates and attract the attention of potential employers. Invest time and effort in crafting your personal brand, and watch as it opens doors to exciting opportunities in your career journey.

If you want more advice on how to help you stand out from the crowd, send Anne Fanthom, our Managing Director, a message on LinkedIn

using human instinct to hire in this digital era

Using Human Instinct to Hire in This Digital Era

AI Can offer efficiency, but has its limitations in sourcing new talent. An organisation is only as good as its people and every business—big or small, local or global—is beginning to appreciate this reality, especially after the recent surge in post-pandemic employee turnovers. Read on to understand why using human instinct to hire in this digital era is the right way forward.

This trend of employees leaving their jobs, coupled with the digital disruption of the workforce, has led many employers not equipped with the tools and resources needed to fulfil their recruitment needs to turn to technology for help.

However, A word of caution:

Whilst AI is promising to make recruiting more efficient, there are also many concerns.

For example, there is always a level of influence and relationship building that’s crucial in the recruiter/candidate link.  An experienced recruiter can begin a conversation with why they are reaching out to the candidate and even if a candidate’s response is “I’m not currently looking” often a seasoned recruiter can often turn the response to: “Actually, I’m interested and I’d like to know more about this vacancy”.

Recruiters will continue to be important for attracting talent because their very human soft skills will be more important than ever.

While some companies may try to automate more of the hiring process, especially for roles for which there is an abundance of labour supply, companies will increasingly rely on recruiters’ soft skills for roles where labour is in short supply.

Why? Because some skills simply can’t be automated. These include having a nuanced understanding of a candidate’s needs; reading between the lines on what a hiring manager wants; negotiating with a candidate and using available data and knowledge of the employer’s business and culture to support the job offer and manage any counteroffers that may arise.  In addition, it’s the depth of understanding of what skills are needed, what the employer’s team makeup requires and whether the manager might be willing to hire someone with only 60% of the skills needed – this too will become even more important.

What a good Recruiter will do won’t be just “filling the funnel” but spending more time talking to candidates, marketing candidates to suitable employers, selling employer’s business and culture to potential candidates and pairing the right parties together.

There are, of course advantages to AI in recruitment:

·   Efficiency – AI can process large volumes of CV’s quickly.

·   Bias Reduction – AI algorithms can reduce unconscious bias by focussing on only the critical data.

Limitations of AI:

·  Lack of human intuition and empathy.  For example, it may misinterpret nuances in a candidate’s response.

·  Some hiring decisions involve judgement and cultural fit – AI will struggle to evaluate this

·  Candidate experience – AI can lead to a poor candidate experience especially if communication lacks a personal touch and the experience is too AI lead.

·  Unforeseen bias – While AI aims to reduce bias, it can inadvertently perpetuate existing biases already present in historical data

The ideal approach should be a collaboration – using the human touch and allowing AI to handle repetitive tasks and data.  Recruiters bring expertise, intuition, industry knowledge and emotional intelligence to assess cultural fit and skillset. What the human touch aims to ensure is a positive candidate experience; ensuring the candidate feels informed, valued, and respected throughout the recruitment process hence joins the organisation fully committed and primed for success.

Indeed, the value of a positive experience for candidates ultimately not hired is also hugely important. People talk and share their experiences – organisations should be mindful of the reputational credit to be gained by ensuring candidates ultimately NOT hired feel they would still recommend the process to a friend or colleague. Good recruiters will work with an organisation to ensure their company and role is well represented in a professional but genuine manner to all potential applicants.

AI can feel somewhat “artificial” in this respect.

This article was written by our Managing Director, Anne Fanthom. Get in touch with Anne on LinkedIn for more Recruitment Advice

How a Recruitment Agency Can Be the Perfect Partner

How a Recruitment Agency Can Be the Perfect Partner

Like most jobs, a HR or TA’s department’s demands can ebb and flow. Some months are manageable and others might be high-demand and time sensitive. You may not have thought about it, but a recruitment agency can be the perfect partner to help you achieve your targets beyond just filling vacancies. We serve as strategic collaborators for HR departments. In this blog, we will explore how partnering with us can be a significant asset for HR or TA departments in meeting your recruitment requirements.


Through our years of experience, we are skilled at understanding the subtleties of different industries, job roles, and the particular skill sets needed. Therefore, we provide to you a pool of qualified candidates. We do the screening and look to submit candidates who also share the organisation’s values and culture.


Time and Cost Efficiency

We know your time is incredibly valuable. We also recognise an organisation can lose money and productivity each day a position is unfilled. Utilising our networks and databases we can find suitable candidates quickly, which cuts down on the amount of time it takes to fill a position. This allows you to concentrate on other strategic duties, so off-loading the first recruitment phases of 1 or 2 positions can give you back valuable time to achieve other business critical tasks while still achieving a hiring target.


Diverse Talent Pool

We can actively cultivate relationships with a diverse range of candidates giving you access to talent from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and demographics. If diversity is a company focus, we can assist to achieve these goals.


Flexibility in Scaling

Companies can change directions and goals due to internal or external developments or pressures, sometimes at the drop of a hat!  Because of this, Talent or HR departments will have to deal with abrupt increases in demand for hiring. We can quickly fill temporary positions or assist with scaling up, offering permanent solutions or skilled temporary employees that do not add to your head count – invaluable also during hiring freezes.


Market Insights and Benchmarking

Because we talk to candidates and hiring managers daily, we can analyse market trends and benchmarks. RecruitmentPlus is very active within local chambers of commerce as well as being members of the Employment & Recruitment Federation (ERF). We attend job fairs and industry specific conferences. We’ve developed a wealth of knowledge in our respective fields and can share key insights with you whether you have a live role now or are shaping hiring plans for the future.


Why Choose RecruitmentPlus?

RecruitmentPlus was founded on the principle of prioritising people. Established in 1999, we remain committed to putting candidate and client needs at the forefront, creating a niche, specialist agency.

For clients, our service-based approach aims to alleviate stress and save valuable time. By thoroughly understanding a client’s business, needs and culture, we strive not just to find candidates but the ideal fit for each vacancy.

The intricate recruitment process at RecruitmentPlus goes beyond algorithms, relying on experience, market knowledge, intuition, and empathy. Our customer-centric approach underscores a commitment to understanding, meeting, and exceeding the needs of both clients and candidates. Contact us today to learn how a recruitment agency can be the perfect partner for your TA & HR departments.

To learn more about RecruitmentPlus, please click here.

To connect with Anne Fanthom, Managing Director, click here.

Other ways to get in touch: 



Ring us on 01 2788610 or 042 935 6910




Top 5 In-Demand Skills for Engineering Professionals in 2024

Due to the rapid advancement of technology in recent years, the demand for skilled engineers is greater than ever as the industry continues to evolve at a quick pace. There will be a need for engineers in 2024 to possess a broad range of skills that go well beyond their technical expertise to succeed. This article will explore the top 5 in-demand skills that will help engineering professionals stand out among their competitors in the marketplace.

1. 3D CAD Design: Primarily SolidWorks

In the realm of engineering, the ability to transform ideas into tangible designs is crucial. 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has become an indispensable tool, with SolidWorks standing out as a preferred choice. Many will be skilled in either Inventor or SolidWorks and we often hear that one is quite like the other. However when SolidWorks is the employer’s choice those who are, or upskill to, confident users of this package tend to have the edge.

2. Project Management

In 2024, engineering professionals are not just expected to excel in technical aspects but also to be proficient project managers. Project management skills are essential for overseeing complex engineering projects from conception to completion. Engineers need to understand budgeting, resource allocation, risk assessment, and timelines to ensure successful project delivery. Acquiring project management skills allows engineers to navigate the dynamic landscape of engineering projects effectively.

3. Critical Thinking

In a rapidly changing world, engineers must possess strong critical thinking skills to solve problems. The ability to analyse information, evaluate alternatives, and make informed decisions is paramount. Critical thinking enables engineers to innovate, troubleshoot, and adapt to unexpected challenges. It fosters a mindset of continuous improvement, pushing engineering professionals to explore new possibilities and create solutions that stand the test of time.

4. Communication

Effective communication is a timeless skill that remains crucial in 2024. Engineers are often required to convey technical information to different departments, including those without an engineering background. Clear and concise communication enhances collaboration within teams, facilitates project updates, and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Engineers who can convey their ideas, listen actively, and articulate information with clarity are highly valued in the industry.

5. On-Site Availability

While remote work has become more prevalent, on-site availability remains a valuable skill for engineering professionals. Being physically present on-site allows engineers to closely monitor projects, address issues promptly, and collaborate with team members face-to-face. On-site availability fosters a deeper understanding of the project environment, enabling engineers to make informed decisions and build stronger professional relationships.

Key Takeaway

In 2024, engineering professionals must go beyond technical expertise to thrive in a competitive and ever-evolving landscape. Mastering 3D CAD design, honing project management skills, cultivating critical thinking abilities, refining communication strategies, and maintaining on-site availability are the key ingredients for success. By embracing these in-demand skills, engineers can position themselves as indispensable contributors to the forefront of technological advancement and innovation.


Why choose Recruitment Plus?

Our job as recruitment consultants is to constantly strive to make the process as easy and stress-free for candidates as possible, no matter what stage of the recruitment process they are in.  Providing advice to our clients is just one aspect of what we do on a day-to-day basis. What is your plan for your career in 2024? Do you want to start a new chapter in your life? Why not get in touch with us to have a chat? 

The Engineering Division in our Dundalk office recruits for the following positions:

+ Quality & Compliance

+ Engineering

+ Production

+ Research & New Product Development

+ Maintenance

+ Supply Chain / Purchasing

+ Manufacturing

+ Environment Health & Safety

For more information, contact Ciara Doran: 087 192 9450


68 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, County Louth.
042 9356910

Suggested Further Reading

Career Resolutions for 2024

How To Get a Pay Raise

How to Use Your Transferable Skills

7 Career New Year Resolutions Worth Keeping

We aren’t going to start this article saying cliches like “I can’t believe it’s 2024” and “Where did the time go?”. We can sometimes get caught up in where we want to be, but it’s up to us to take the necessary steps to bring about the desired change in our lives. A new year brings new opportunities, which is an exciting thought if you ask us! To give you a helping hand, we have come up with some New Year Resolutions that are actually achievable and will have you thanking yourself when January comes back around again.


1. Achieving work-life balance:

Striking a balance between work and personal life is essential for sustained success and well-being. Establish boundaries, prioritise self-care, and be mindful of burnout. Remember, a healthy work-life balance contributes not only to your happiness but also to your long-term professional effectiveness.


2. Embrace skill development 

In today’s dynamic work landscape, continuous learning is non-negotiable. Resolve to expand your skill set by attending workshops, taking online courses, or participating in industry conferences. This commitment not only keeps you relevant but also positions you as an invaluable asset to your organisation.


3. Start networking and building professional relationships

Your professional network can be a game-changer for your career. Dedicate time to expand and nurture your network. Attend industry events, engage on professional platforms, and seek mentorship opportunities. Cultivating meaningful connections can open doors to new opportunities and perspectives.


4. Focus on financial planning 

Financial well-being is a crucial component of a successful career. Decide to enhance your financial literacy by creating a budget, saving strategically, and understanding investment opportunities. Financial stability provides a solid foundation for pursuing your long-term career goals.


5. Prioritise your mental and physical health

A healthy mind and body are your greatest assets. Prioritise your mental and physical well-being by incorporating regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and sufficient sleep into your routine. A healthy lifestyle enhances your resilience and capacity to tackle professional challenges.


6. Set boundaries at work

Setting workplace boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, reducing stress, and fostering overall well-being. Here are some practical steps you can take to establish and maintain boundaries at work:

  1. Define your limitations
  2. Learn to communicate effectively
  3. Learn to say no
  4. Establish and stick to working hours
  5. Take your entitled breaks
  6. Delegate tasks if needed
  7. Establish realistic expectations
  8. Check-in with yourself regularly


  1. Improve your ability to self-reflect

“You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” Maya Angelou.


We can sometimes know we want change, but can’t quite figure out what that might look like. This is usually a result of not doing the necessary self-reflection on the choices we make, the habits we have created, and the way we currently live and work. In a professional context, this could be reflecting on accomplishments and challenges from the past year. Self-awareness is vital in identifying areas of improvement.


Take Action Today

As we begin this new year, these seven career resolutions offer practical and impactful ways to enhance both personal and professional aspects of life. By committing to self-reflection, achieving a healthy work-life balance, embracing continuous skill development, expanding professional networks, focusing on financial planning, prioritising mental and physical well-being, and setting boundaries at work, YOU can pave the way for a fulfilling and successful year ahead.


Remember, these resolutions are not merely aspirations, but actionable steps that, when consistently pursued, can lead to significant positive changes in your career and overall well-being. Here’s to a year of growth, resilience, and accomplishment!


How to get started with RecruitmentPlus

Step One: Find out more information about RecruitmentPlus

Step Two: Contact our team of expert recruiters to discuss your needs

Step Three: Search our Live Jobs 

Step Four: Upload your CV

Do you follow us on LinkedIn? Join our community and connect with our recruiters directly here: RecruitmentPlus LinkedIn

The Best Recruitment Advice We Gave in 2023

It is hard to believe we’ve reached the last month of 2023. And each year, we say the same thing; “where did the time go?” Not only is December about reflecting on the year just gone, but it’s also “the most wonderful time of year”, with all of us looking forward to winding down and spending quality time with those special people in our lives. We’re sure you’ve worked hard and deserve this time to regroup and look forward to the year ahead.


Speaking of hard work, our team has gone above and beyond this year, dishing out advice in hopes that it might reach the right candidate at the right time. We thought it would be helpful to round up the best advice we’ve given this year, so here it is!




You don’t know where to start looking for a new job.

There are many ways to find a new job. You can look on Indeed or LinkedIn. You can also use your personal network and ask friends and family if they know of any openings in their workplace. Of course, we recommend working with a trusted recruitment consultant who will turn this nightmare into an actual dream. A good recruitment consultant will work with you closely to find the ideal job for you. In fact, you can start your job search here! See? not so scary after all.

From  “Nightmare Job Search Scenarios”



We’re going to tell you something that you might not want to hear, but it’s important! Interviews can be nerve-wracking. The only way to overcome your nerves and gain confidence is by doing them. The more you do, the easier it gets. Getting past that first couple will help you build up confidence and also practice answering and asking the right questions. Conviction and readiness are the keys to leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

Get Help Writing Your CV

Top 10 Interview Questions YOU Need to Ask


From 8 Tips for Career Success 



You shouldn’t leave it to the interviewer to ask all the questions! Asserting yourself in an interview and asking the right questions can show the hiring manager that you are really serious about the role. Not only that, but the answers you receive will give you so much information about whether this is going to be the right fit for you.


Interview Question #1  How will my performance be measured? Can you outline the employee review process?

Interview Question #2  What are your expectations of the chosen candidate in the first 6 months?

Interview Question #3  What are some challenges I may face in the first 6 months?

Interview Question #4  What do you like about working here?

Interview Question #5  What is the work environment like?

Interview Question #6  Who would I report to?  Can you explain the chain of command?

Interview Question #7  Are there opportunities to grow and progress?

Interview Question #8   Is there a high staff turnover?

Interview Question #9  Is there anything you’d like me to clarify? What else do you need to know about me?

Interview Question #10  How soon can I expect to hear from you?


From “10 Interview Questions YOU Need To Ask




Transferable skills are the expertise, proficiency, and experiences that you gain throughout your life and can apply to a wide range of jobs and careers. By understanding how to showcase and utilise these valuable skills, you can position yourself as a highly desirable candidate and successfully navigate the job search process. We guarantee you are a lot more equipped than you realise to go after the career or role you want. What is important is that you’re able to identify and leverage what you have, rather than what you wished you had.


Step One: Identify Your Transferable Skills

Step Two: Understand the Job Requirements

Step Three: Compare Your Skills to The Skills Needed

Step Four: Update Your CV

Step Five: Contact RecruitmentPlus


From “How to Use Transferable Skills..” 




When it comes to asking for a raise, timing is everything. Don’t rush into this conversation; instead, wait for the right time. Here are some scenarios in which salary negotiations might be appropriate:


  • Annual Performance Review: Many businesses conduct annual performance reviews, during which compensation is frequently discussed.
  • Following a Noteworthy Achievement: If you’ve recently completed a large project or reached a major milestone, use it as justification to request a raise.
  • Company Success: If your company performs well, it may be more inclined to reward its employees.


From “How to Get a Pay Rise”




Manage Your Workload 

It is important to assess your workload. Often we can take on more than we can handle to support our team and be viewed as helpful employees. However, taking on more than you can manage will only end in burnout and the job likely won’t be done to the best of your ability.

Feeling overwhelmed by an excessive workload can significantly impact your mental health. Learn to manage your tasks effectively by prioritising and organising your work. Break down complex projects into manageable chunks and create a schedule to stay on track. If necessary, communicate with your supervisor about your workload and seek their guidance to ensure a healthy balance.

From Tips for Managing Your Mental Health At Work


Our Final Note for 2023


As recruitment consultants, we are constantly trying to make the process for candidates as efficient and stress-free as possible.  Providing advice is just one aspect of what we do on a day-to-day basis. Are you looking for a new career in 2024? Why not get in touch with us this December to have a chat? It could get you off on the right foot next year.



20 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin
01 2788610


68 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, County Louth.
042 9356910


How to Get a Pay Rise

Earning a higher salary is one of the most common career goals. In the end, a pay raise not only recognises your hard work and dedication but also improves your financial well-being. The current cost of living crisis has seen many families struggle to make ends meet. So, financial well-being is a massive contributing factor to our overall health. If you’ve been in your role for a while now and think you deserve a pay rise, then you’ve come to the right place. Pay raises aren’t always easy to get, and they usually require thought and planning. In this blog, we’ll give you a step-by-step process to give yourself a great chance of landing a pay rise.


Your 7 Step Plan to Landing a Pay Rise


1. Self Evaluation


Before you consider asking for a raise, evaluate your performance and contributions to your company. Determine the reasons why you deserve a pay rise. Think about the following questions:


  • Have you consistently met or exceeded your performance objectives?
  • Have you taken on additional responsibilities or contributed significantly to the company’s success?
  • Have you gained any new skills or certifications that will increase your value to the organisation?


2. Research The Market


Understanding your market value is critical for making a compelling case for a pay rise. Investigate what others in your industry and region are earning in similar roles. The average range for your role could have changed since you started. Salary information is available on a variety of websites such as GlassDoor. This information can be useful when discussing your remuneration with your employer.


3. Pick the Appropriate Time


When it comes to asking for a raise, timing is everything. Don’t rush into this conversation; instead, wait for the right time. Here are some scenarios in which salary negotiations might be appropriate:


  • Annual Performance Review: Many businesses conduct annual performance reviews, during which compensation is frequently discussed.
  • Following a Noteworthy Achievement: If you’ve recently completed a large project or reached a major milestone, use it as justification to request a raise.
  • Company Success: If your company performs well, it may be more inclined to reward its employees.


4. Prepare Your Case!


Be organised when approaching your boss for a raise. Make a compelling case for why you deserve one. Your case should include your achievements and contributions to the company during your time there. A comparison of what professionals in the same job role as you are earning and any other information that will support your case. Practising your pay raise pitch with a family member or friend is a good idea. This will help you in gaining confidence and communicate your points clearly and persuasively. Prepare to answer any questions or objections that your employer may have.


5.  Anticipate Some Negotiation


You may not be able to get exactly what you want out of your employer, but he or she may be willing to make a compromise to meet your needs. It is important to remember that other benefits, such as extra holiday days, flexible work schedules, and performance bonuses, can also be negotiated as part of the agreement. Be open-minded and try not to come across as demanding, it’s about reaching a mutual and fair agreement.


6. Follow-Up Appropriately


So you’ve had your meeting and are waiting for a response. Allow enough time for your boss or manager to respond to your requests. Most likely, you will not receive an immediate response because they will need to consider many factors and possibly move your request up the ranks. Having said that, don’t wait so long that your request becomes buried under the inevitable workload that your manager faces on a daily basis.


7. Leave Things on a Positive Note- Either Way


One scenario is that you get exactly what you want. Hurray! However, be open to the possibility that you may not. Perhaps you get something a little different, perhaps it’s something your boss says will be revisited at a later date. No matter what it is, end things on a positive note.


If your request was denied, there are also some smart follow-up questions you can ask such as;


  1. What can I do to improve my chances of getting a raise in the future?
  2. Are there opportunities for career advancement I can explore?
  3. Can we discuss a timeline where this can be revisited?


These questions not only keep the conversation open but will also show your enthusiasm to stay with the company.


So, what do you do if you aren’t getting the pay raise you deserve? It might be time to explore your options. Get in touch with an expert recruiter like RecrutimentPlus to find out more about the market, opportunities in your industry and more.


How to Get Started

Step One: Find out more information about RecruitmentPlus

Step Two: Contact our team of expert recruiters to discuss your needs

Step Three: Search our Live Jobs 

Step Four: Upload your CV

Suggested Further Reading

10 Interview Questions YOU Need to Ask 

Taming 6 Nightmare Job Search Scenarios

The weather is getting colder. The nights are drawing in. It’s the time of year for pumpkins, ghosts and goblins. Halloween is meant to be frightening, but recruitment certainly shouldn’t be. So, what should you do if you find yourself in a nightmare job search scenario? Fear not, dear reader. We have you covered with tips on how to take the anxiety out of your job search.

Nightmare Scenario #1 – You have to update your CV.

You don’t have to be as prolific a writer as Stephen King to knock out your CV. A CV is a one to two-page summary of your education, skills and experience. Instead of looking at a blank page with absolute dread, think of this as your chance to show how you shine. It may have been a long time since you have done serious writing and you may not know where to start when writing your CV.  This first step causes a lot of job search anxiety. To help with that, we have created this blog to provide valuable tips and tricks on how to write the perfect resume.

Nightmare Scenario #2 – You don’t know where to start looking for a new job.

You can be afraid to watch a scary movie, but there’s no need to fear the job search process. There are many different ways to find a new job. You can look on Indeed or LinkedIn. You can also use your personal network and ask friends and family if they know of any openings in their workplace. Of course, we recommend working with a trusted recruitment consultant who will turn this nightmare into an actual dream. A good recruitment consultant will work with you closely to find the ideal job for you. In fact, you can start your job search here! See? not so scary after all.

Nightmare Scenario #3 – You don’t know how to network.

We mentioned above that you can use your personal network to look for a new job. Having said that, expanding your network beyond friends and family can also expand your opportunities. Networking comes easy to some and not so easily to others. Are you the kind of person who would rather invite a vampire into your home than invite someone out for a cup of coffee and a chat? Did you know that you can learn networking techniques? Read this article from The All-Ireland Business Foundation’s website.

Nightmare Scenario #4 – You’re not prepared for the interview process.

Preparing for a job interview can be daunting, but you have to remember, you’re not meeting face-to-face with a monster! You are going to be meeting with someone who has already seen your CV and thinks that you might have what it takes to do the job at hand. Your recruitment consultant will go through the specific interview process with you for the company you’re meeting with. You can also check out this blog post where we discuss common interview questions and how best to answer them.

Nightmare Scenario #5 – You don’t know what to wear.

The only thing harder than finding the perfect Halloween costume is figuring out the proper dress code for different work environments. While the old adage “dress for the job you want” is a good rule to stick by, how do you decipher what the difference is between corporate dress and business casual? Your recruitment consultant will know the company you’re interviewing with and will be able to give you guidance in this area. You can also read more about work dress codes here.

Nightmare #6 – You’re worried about your job offer.

First of all, you landed your ideal role. You fought through every nightmare scenario and came out on top. The company has offered the job to you. Congratulations! You don’t have to consult a Ouija board to predict your salary and benefits package. Our recruitment consultants work hard with our clients to ensure the remuneration is suitable for each role and will be upfront with you about what to expect. Your consultant will always work on your behalf to ensure the best possible outcome for you and ease all feelings of job search anxiety along the way.

Get in touch with RecruitmentPlus today and turn your nightmare job search in to a dream job.

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Exploring the Influence of AI on Your Career


“Will AI replace me?” Has this crossed your mind recently? This seems to be a common question of concern among professionals. Considering how little most of us know about AI, its progression and its capabilities, it is no wonder that so many of us are uncomfortable with the topic. However, AI isn’t going anywhere. In fact, the trajectory of its growth is speeding up. So, where are you in all of this? Left behind, or using this advancement in technology to your benefit. In this blog, we want to give you key knowledge on how you can use AI to your professional advantage and why it needs to be embraced, rather than feared.


Synergy Between Humans & AI


Seth Elliot COO of strategy execution platform Quantive believes that human and AI collaboration will be the way forward; “The ability to effectively use AI will become a core skill set of many jobs. I think what we’re seeing is really this leveraging of human beings, not this replacement of human beings.” 


We believe that this is the best outlook and approach to AI. Rather than stressing about how AI might take over (cue Will Smith in I, Robot), we need to think about how it can help us, our processes, the way we work and more. AI is going to integrate into most workplaces, whether that be now or in the future.


We also don’t want to diminish your concerns, because they are absolutely valid. Our LinkedIn audience gave their thoughts on the topic.


It appears that workers have some hesitation, but there is overall hope out there regarding AI. So, what can you do starting today to embrace Artificial Intelligence, or at least be more open about the possibilities?


Government Endeavours


Making AI Safe 


What is the Irish government doing to help its citizens learn, use, and embrace artificial intelligence? Knowing the answer to this question will help you feel more comfortable with AI and its place in our society. The government’s efforts didn’t just start this year either. A Silicon Republic article from 2021 stated that “the Government’s plan is for Ireland to become a global leader in artificial intelligence to benefit our economy and society, with a “people-centred, ethical approach to AI development, adoption and use”. 


Furthermore, the article stated that the Irish government will commit to joining the Global Partnership on AI as the EU creates a regulatory framework for trustworthy AI.


Course Creation


DCU has partnered with Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet to offer a part-funded, part-time online MSc in Artificial Intelligence. It is predicted that almost two-thirds of businesses in Ireland will use AI or machine learning by the end of this year. The Government believe that we need to build the talent base necessary to help Ireland become a global hub for AI.


So, this is some of what the government are doing. What can you do?

1. Adapting Your Skill Set

AI has started to and will continue to transform sectors. The need for specific skill sets has grown. Adaptability is essential. Professionals who cultivate a willingness to learn and upskill are going to excel. Technical skills such as programming, data analysis, and machine learning will become valuable assets, even in fields that previously had no relation to technology. Go with the flow of change and figure out what you can do to adapt your own skill set to meet this new demand.

2. Follow AI Leaders


Following AI leaders on LinkedIn is beneficial for keeping up with the ever-changing technology because it provides a direct channel to real-time insights, trends, and discussions about AI. These leaders are at the centre of AI innovation, sharing their knowledge, research findings, and perspectives on the most recent developments. By following them, you gain access to a curated feed of valuable content that keeps you up to date. We have selected a couple to check out below.


AI Ireland: “This is our ultimate goal: to bring together players in the field of AI in order to forge and strengthen ties and to celebrate the development of AI for the greater good” 

Mark Kelly: I have over five years of experience in leading and delivering AI and ServiceNow staffing solutions to clients across various industries.”

ADAPT Centre: “The ADAPT Research Centre focuses on developing next-generation digital technologies that aim to enhance people’s lives by helping to analyse, personalise and deliver digital data more effectively for businesses and individuals.”

3. Be open-minded 

This is simple but not easy! There is no question that we are all a bit hesitant when it comes to AI. We often will shun things we don’t understand as a way to keep ourselves safe. Accepting that AI is here to stay is the first step. The next is being open to this change and going with and not against it. Those who embrace change and use AI to their advantage will be those who reap the benefits now and in the future.


So, if you’re still pondering “Will AI replace me?”. Ask yourself a better question; Do you want to be a passenger on the journey of inevitable change? Or do you want to be an active participant and beneficiary of this AI evolution?

The choice is yours!

We know AI can feel like a minefield to navigate. Here are some insightful links to get you started:


  1. AI Ireland: AI Ireland is a non-profit community devoted to promoting artificial intelligence in Ireland.
  2. A Beginner’s Guide to AI: A helpful LinkedIn guide.
  3. National AI Strategy for Ireland: The government’s plans.
  4. Irish Government AI Resources: Helpful links about AI.