5 Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Other Job Candidates

Following on from last month’s blog on Crafting Your Personal Brand, we’d like to show you the next steps in ensuring you stand out from the crowd when applying for the roles you want.  In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to find ways to set yourself apart from other candidates vying for the same position. While having the right qualifications and experience is important, it’s often the extra effort and unique qualities that catch the attention of employers. Whether you’re applying for a new job or seeking advancement in your career, here are 5 ways to differentiate yourself from other job candidates and increase your chances of landing your dream job.


  1. Craft a Personalized Application: Instead of sending out generic resumes and cover letters, take the time to tailor your application materials to each specific job opportunity. Research the company and the role thoroughly to understand their needs, values, and culture. Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job requirements and demonstrate your potential contribution to the organization. A personalized application shows employers that you’re genuinely interested in the position and willing to invest the effort to make a positive impression.


  1. Showcase Your Unique Skills and Experiences: Identify and emphasize your unique skills, experiences, and accomplishments that set you apart from other candidates. Whether it’s a specialized certification, language proficiency, volunteer work, or a passion project, highlight aspects of your background that demonstrate your versatility, creativity, and initiative. Use concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate how your unique skills and experiences have contributed to your success and prepared you for the role. By showcasing your individuality and value proposition, you’ll capture the attention of employers and leave a memorable impression.


  1. Demonstrate Your Passion and Enthusiasm: Employers are drawn to candidates who are genuinely passionate and enthusiastic about the opportunity to work for their organization. Communicate your enthusiasm for the role and the company during interviews, networking events, and interactions with hiring managers. Express your genuine interest in the company’s mission, values, and goals, and articulate why you’re excited about the opportunity to contribute to their success. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude can leave a lasting impression and convey your commitment to making a meaningful impact.


  1. Go Above and Beyond in Your Preparation: Stand out from other candidates by going above and beyond in your preparation for interviews and assessments. Research the company, industry trends, and relevant topics extensively to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the business landscape. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask during interviews that showcase your curiosity, critical thinking, and genuine interest in learning more about the company and the role. Additionally, practice your interview responses and presentation skills to ensure that you communicate confidently and effectively during the selection process. By demonstrating thorough preparation and professionalism, you’ll differentiate yourself as a top candidate.


  1. Build Meaningful Relationships and Networks: The last of our 5 ways to differentiate yourself from other job candidates is to network. In addition to showcasing your qualifications and skills, focus on building meaningful relationships and networks within your industry or desired field. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and engage with thought leaders and influencers in your area of expertise. Networking provides opportunities to connect with potential employers, learn about hidden job opportunities, and gain valuable insights and advice from seasoned professionals. Building a strong professional network not only enhances your visibility and credibility but also opens doors to new career opportunities and collaborations. You can follow RecruitmentPlus on LinkedIn for career advice and to be the first to see when live jobs are posted.


*Bonus Step* Work with an Experienced Recruiter: The consultants at RecruitmentPlus can be there for you every step of the way and indeed assist with all the above strategies. They can tailor your application to the client. They will enthusiastically discuss your application with their clients and express why you’re the ideal candidate for their vacancy. They can work with you on interview prep for the specific client you’re meeting with as they know their clients and can give you insider tips on how to succeed.


Standing out from other job candidates requires a combination of preparation, authenticity, and proactive engagement. By crafting personalized applications, showcasing your unique skills and experiences, demonstrating passion and enthusiasm, going above and beyond in your preparation, and building meaningful relationships and networks, you’ll distinguish yourself as a standout candidate in the eyes of employers. Remember to stay true to yourself, highlight your strengths, and seize every opportunity to showcase your value and potential contribution to the organizations you aspire to join. And remember, a great recruiter will help you every step of the way.

A recruiter in one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin

Spotlight on Recruitment

This blog post was going to be entitled A Day in the Life of a Recruiter, but really there is no typical day. No two days are alike because the resource our recruiters are dealing with is people. Their clients and candidates are all people with different needs, wants, personalities, and career goals. All of these differences make for a varied day at work. Read on to find out what it’s like to work for one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin.


So, what does a recruiter do?

A recruiter- also known as a recruitment consultant- is essentially in a sales role. A client will contact a recruitment consultant and request assistance in finding an employee for their company. Those potential employees are referred to as candidates. The recruiter then matches a candidate to the company’s job vacancy. Simple, right? Well, that’s just a basic explanation of what a recruiter does. As with any job, some people do the bare minimum and others excel in their roles.


What does a good recruitment consultant do?

A recruiter’s job is part human resources, part sales, part marketing, part negotiation but mostly it’s about listening. An important part of the job is the ability to listen and learn the needs of their candidates and work together with them to provide solutions to fulfil those needs. People are at the heart of recruitment. It’s not just a numbers game. It’s not about pulling a report from a database and using that information to fill a role. A CV can tell the basics of someone’s job history, but only in a one-on-one meeting (online or in-person) does a recruiter find out the WHY behind the CV. Why did the candidate take those specific roles to date? Why are they looking for a new job now? What plans do they have for their future career?

The same is true when a recruiter is working with a client. Again, the recruiter is not just working with some faceless company, they’re working with a person who needs to fill a vacancy. A good recruiter will do their best to understand the sector for which they are recruiting. Ideally, the recruiter will have had some real-world experience working in that sector. For example, if they’ve worked in Human Resources before, they will have a unique insight into what a client may need for a new HR Specialist vacancy. Anyone can learn sales techniques, but understanding the ins and outs of a specific sector will make someone stand out as a top recruiter.


What about job satisfaction?

One of the top reasons for job satisfaction in recruitment is the knowledge that the recruiter has made a difference in a candidate’s life. There are few things better than knowing a candidate is in a happier place because you’ve helped them source a new role where their personality is a good fit for the company’s culture.


Recruiters also love their jobs because they get the opportunity to grow their professional networks both with their clients as well as candidates. It’s a very rewarding role but it also requires hard work, resourcefulness, and versatility. A reputable agency will offer a basic salary along with a fair commission structure.


Have you considered a career in recruitment?

If you feel you have the right attitude, determination to succeed, and a winning personality, contact RecruitmentPlus today on 01 2788610. You could work for one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin!


Not only do we offer a favourable salary, but the following benefits as well:

  • Commission with uncapped commission structure
  • Quarterly bonuses
  • Annual bonus
  • Mobile phone
  • 4 weeks AL which increases with tenure
  • Birthday day off
  • Social events
  • ERF Certificate in Recruitment Practice
  • A great working environment with a team who has been together for over 20 years.

Learn more about our company and culture on our Linkedin page.

Call us today on 01 2788610, visit www.recruitmentplus.ie  or email your CV in the strictest confidence to anne@rplus.ie

The Hybrid Working Model

Change is on the horizon. As we begin to slowly come out of an incredibly challenging fourteen months, some significant changes are occurring in the way in which we work, not only in Ireland but globally. I’m sure we could all do without reliving the past with businesses being forced to either shut or drastically change all aspects of the day to day running of their processes, workforce, IT and more. 


The doors closed on physical businesses and employees across the country were faced with adjusting to remote working, perhaps for the first time. It was unfathomable to most of us. Surprisingly, many started to embrace this new way of working and living. Not only were employees’ minds changed about working from home but employers started to see the benefits of having a fully remote team. 


Referring to the Remote Working Strategy initiative documents released by the Department of Trade, Enterprise and Employment, 94% of people asked in a survey voiced that they would like options to work from home after the pandemic. The strategy’s main action is to mandate that home and remote work should be the norm for 20% of public sector employment. 


Three Pillars for The National Remote Working Strategy 


One main objective of the initiative is to ensure that remote working is a permanent feature in the Irish Workplace. 


Pillar One: Create a Conducive Environment

Pillar Two: Develop and Leverage Remote Working Infrastructure

Pillar Three: Build a Remote Work Policy and Guidance Framework


Find out more information about the National Remote Working Strategy

Companies Are Starting to Embrace Change  


It seems as though we are on our way to this new hybrid working model with some companies such as BOI already publicly announcing their plans. 


BOI is offering their staff much more flexibility in how and where they work. 


“This working model will allow colleagues to work from a combination of home and central office locations, and will also offer colleagues access to a network of 11 remote working hubs by the end of 2021.” – BOI website


Bank of Ireland goes on to say that this new hybrid working model will allow workers to have not only greater flexibility but also reduced time spent commuting and a more positive work-life balance. 


Benefits of Hybrid Working 


Work-Life Balance 


A common grievance among employees is not having a healthy work-life balance. Long commutes every day can add on several hours to the workday, leaving little time to spend on personal activities throughout the workweek. 




Providing employees with options as to how they work will give them more flexibility. It will allow employees to make personal plans and structure their workweek in a way that suits themselves and/or their family. 




Having a more flexible and less rigid workweek can improve employee morale and therefore boost productivity. 




A very appealing benefit of the hybrid working model is that it can be a cost-effective option for both employees and employers. Employees will have reduced commuting costs as well as other costs such as lunches. Employers will have fewer overheads with fewer people in the office. 


Wider Talent Reach 


With no restrictions on geographical location, employers have a wider reach when it comes to recruiting new staff. 


Challenges of The Hybrid Working Model  


Although there are many benefits of this new way of working, it is understandable that there are some concerns. Managing both remote and in-house staff may take some careful planning and consideration especially regarding collaboration and IT requirements to ensure that there is cohesive and streamlined communication among the company as a whole. 


It will be up to employers to guarantee that the best processes possible are put in place to support employee welfare, motivation and productivity. 




Many companies have started to embrace the new hybrid working model and many more will follow. Time will tell the full advantages and challenges they will face. However, it could overall have a highly positive impact on the Irish workforce. 


It is unclear as to whether such an initiative or model would materialise had the pandemic not forced businesses globally to reevaluate everything. Perhaps it will show itself to be one of the few silver linings. 


Are you an employer looking for resources to support your staff? Here are some articles you may find useful: 


8 Silver Linings of Working From Home

Supporting Field-Based Workers

Supporting Employees Remotely


Advice on the National Remote Working Strategy


We all breathed a sigh of relief at the announcement that Level 5 restrictions have been eased somewhat across the country. It was a welcomed piece of good news that I think we all can admit, couldn’t have come too soon. Although we still have some way to go, it has certainly instilled hope that there are better days ahead and that this is the beginning. At Recruitment Plus, we are seeing a steady pick up in recruitment trends.


As employers, this might be news you are waiting to hear in order to start planning for the remainder of the year. You may have started to think again about adding to your headcount.


Have you considered how you will accommodate the government’s recently launched “Remote Working Strategy”? An initiative that, without COVID, would have taken decades to implement and has now been propelled into the forefront of every industry across Ireland.


Whether you’ve read the strategy document yet or not, you probably have questions about how this will affect your workforce structure, recruitment plans and just about every other aspect of recruiting and managing staff.

Here are some of the main takeaways from the Remote Working Strategy document to equip you with the knowledge to take your next steps.


National Remote Working Strategy

Main actions that will be taken by the Department of Trade, Enterprise and Employment:

  • “Mandating that home and remote work should be the norm for 20 per cent of public sector employment
  • Reviewing the treatment of remote working for the purposes of tax and expenditure in the next Budget
  • Mapping and investing in a network of remote working hubs across Ireland
  • Legislating for the right to request remote working
  • Developing a code of practice for the right to disconnect
  • Doing what we can to accelerate the provision of high-speed broadband to all parts of Ireland”


Interesting Statistic Regarding Employee Attitudes & Remote Working

According to research carried out in October 2020, 94% of those who partook in the survey said that they would like to work remotely after the pandemic. This was an  increase of 10% on results from a similar survey carried out the previous May.


Three Pillars for the Remote Working Strategy

 As stated in the strategy, the initiative will be broken down into three pillars with one main objective “Ensure Remote Work is a Permanent Feature in the Irish Workplace


Pillar One: Create a Conducive Environment

Pillar Two: Develop and Leverage Remote Working Infrastructure

Pillar Three: Build a Remote Work Policy and Guidance Framework


Resources for Employers

So, what should employers be doing to prepare?  Knowledge is power. Take a look at the full strategy document and the remote working checklist for employers below to have a better understanding of what to expect.

It will also allow you to put in place policies and strategies to facilitate employee needs and future rights.


National Remote Work Strategy

Government of Ireland Remote Working Checklist for Employers


 Recruitment Plus’ Promise & Your Next Steps


Recruitment Plus has a strong track record in finding flexible solutions for clients and candidates. Our positive approach to Remote Working will be no different. We believe that this flexibility will only expand the pool of talent beyond candidates that traditionally would be more fixed on location.

What you choose to do now will directly affect your workforce structure in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

Contact our office to find out more about how the Remote Working Strategy will affect your business. We will find the best possible solution and provide you with the knowledge and assurance for smooth recruitment moving forward.



01 2788610



042 9356910



Supporting Remote Employees


Here are some of our most popular reads which you may find useful in further supporting your employees.

8 Silver Linings of Working From Home

Supporting Field-Based Workers

Supporting Employees Remotely



An Interview with Bernice Brennan

The 8th March was International Women’s Day. We’ve so many wonderful and talented women working at Recruitment Plus, so we decided to interview one of them! 

Meet Bernice Brennan. Bernice has over 20 years of experience in the Irish recruitment market across diverse disciplines. She is a dog lover and an avid reader.  

We asked Bernice a couple of questions about women in the workforce and about her hopes for the future: 

  1. What is your current job role?

I am primarily Business Development Manager for the Group, supporting consultants in our Dublin, Dundalk and Limerick offices.

  1. What industries do you work closely with?

I have a broad remit and work with existing and potential clients in the Pharmaceutical/Medical Devices, Property, Finance, HR, Sales/ Marketing, Engineering and Office Support.

  1. What challenges do women face in the  profession/ academia?

There still seems to be a lack of social encouragement and self-perception in young women,” said Fionnuala Meehan, Sales Director for Google, gender coding competition last year. Only one girl out of 1,500 girls who took part advanced to a further round.

It is the 21st century. The world talks about progression and creating an environment where all people are treated equally. 

But, why does it stop when it comes to women? 

Why does it happen that women are expected to balance between their career and home while men are supposed to be the breadwinners of the family?

While there are men who have come forward to support women in all their endeavours, why is the word “feminism” branded with, in my opinion,  contempt? 

It’s time we shatter toxic masculinity and make people understand that feminism’s goal is to reduce gender gaps and achieve political, economic, personal, and social gender equality.

It is good to see that this can be industry-specific. There are industries that have a gender preference though this is not a “hard and fast” rule. I believe that mandatory shared parental leave, more affordable childcare and initiatives to tackle gender stereotyping are amongst the measures needed to address the gender pay gap in Ireland.

  1. What are your hopes for women in the workforce in the future? 

I hope that the next generation has even more opportunities and experience and increases the value of their contributions as women. I hope they will help take us all to the next level in achieving gender equity. I already see a level of strength and vulnerability in the next generation that I believe has the power to make great strides forward.

We wish we could show off and celebrate all of our staff this week. However, Bernice is an excellent example of the women we are lucky enough to work with every day.  


Recommending Reading: An Interview with Mhairi-Therese Gallagher


Supporting Employees Remotely


Supporting Employees Remotely

There is no denying that we’ve all experienced both professional and personal challenges this year. Continued ambiguity hangs like a cloud over our heads. Providing adequate support, having a proactive approach and ensuring the correct procedures and plans are in place, no matter what happens, is going to be vital to ensure overall employee well-being and business success. Whether you are looking to hire new team members or looking for ways to support and encourage your existing employees, keep reading.


Does the thought of hiring new staff in 2020 make you a tad anxious? It’s understandable. Most companies have a tried and tested onboarding process which HR and employers are used to and are confident in implementing. Onboarding is a vital stage of the recruitment process which shouldn’t be overlooked. Onboarding remote staff doesn’t mean that hiring new employees remotely can’t run just as smoothly as before. Here are some ways that you can make the process a little easier.

Welcome Your New Employees

Make new employees feel welcome even before they start. Send an email introducing the new team member to the rest of the company, encouraging them to say hello. It can be a daunting experience starting a new position, so breaking the ice before they start can be a positive gesture. Suggest 1:1 Zoom or team calls with the new employees closest working colleagues so they get to make a connection with them initially.

Share Essential Information

Here is a list of some important material that you should share with your new team member. We recommend using a file-sharing tool such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

  • Usernames and passwords
  • New email login
  • Communication tools
  • Documents (how-tos)
  • Company staff contact sheet
  • Company policies

It is going to be more difficult for new staff to ask questions remotely, so be comprehensive in the information you provide to them.

Tech Set-Up

It may be tempting to skip or hurry in aspects of the onboarding process to save time. Make sure that technology set up for new staff is not one area you skip. Valuable time could be lost if new staff aren’t properly trained to use the essential tools and technology required. Whether it is you or a tech support employee, make sure to allocate time to run through all the technology needed to fulfil the job.

Outline Clear Objectives and Goals

It has been proven that it takes 90 days for a new employee to learn the “ins and outs” of a company. Take this time to set clear objectives and goals which can be monitored. Having clear communication about expectations will help your new employee stay on track and feel supported.

Provide an Open Channel for Communication

Create a community environment, even when your staff are working remotely. Using tools such as Slack or Asana can help all staff feel connected. Be sure that new employees are aware of how they can contact their line manager or fellow employees, this is vital particularly in the early days in their new position.


As employers, we must always be thinking about our staff’s well-being. Happy, motivated and focused staff are what keep businesses going. We all know this year has been tough. Showing your staff that you understand and that you care about them is going to boost morale as they’re going to feel supported. Here are some ways to continue to keep staff motivated.

Proactive Adaptability

As employers, you need to be ready for whatever is thrown at you. With forever changing restrictions and guidelines, it is vital that a business is seen to be rolling with the punches and doing whatever is necessary to adapt. Keep employee trust and faith by using a proactive and communicative approach – no matter what.

Stay Connected

Ensure there are open channels of communication with the entire team. It can be easy for staff to feel disconnected as they’re not physically in the office. There are many platforms available that are specifically for team management. A popular option is Slack which allows you to have different “channels”. Each channel can be for a different topic such as a project update or something more casual so that all staff has somewhere to go to chat.

Be Sensitive & Understanding

All employees are without a doubt going through their own experiences and challenges. Showing compassion and patience to all staff will help to improve overall morale and well-being. It may also boost motivation and overall job satisfaction if your employees feel supported.


Create clear and obtainable goals for each employee. These goals should be tracked and monitored weekly. This will not only keep staff motivated and focused, but it will also provide them with a sense of achievement. Without clear task intention, employees may lose their drive and interest which are both so important to keep a business going.

Suggestion Box

Why not create an anonymous suggestion box? There are free online tools that you can use to facilitate this. Not all employees are outspoken or confident enough to bring up issues and woes. This is a perfect way to not only show your staff you care but to also improve in areas that are needed.


A happy and supported workforce will only benefit the company and helps to create a great reputation as somewhere that employees are listened to and respected.


Do you need 2020 recruitment advice? Contact our offices here.

Rethinking Redundancy

Redundancy: it’s a situation you never thought you’d face, yet living in unprecedented times leads to circumstances you could not have previously imagined. While being made redundant may feel like a blow to your ego, it’s important to remember that it’s the job being made redundant. Economies ebb and flow and so does the job market. As the old saying goes, when one door closes; another opens. In fact, in the future, you may look on the day you were made redundant as the day you started to forge your own path.


It’s all well and good talking about the future, but even with the promise that things will get better, the sting of redundancy hurts. And it hurts NOW. Below are some immediate steps you can take to ease your transition from your old road to your new path.


  1. Go easy on yourself! Familiarise yourself with the Kübler-Ross change curve (pictured below). That “sting” you’re feeling? It’s most likely shock and it’s completely normal to feel that way. Being aware of your feelings during this time will help you keep a clear head. If you can predict your reactions to this big change in your life, you’ll be able to adapt more easily.



  1. Use this as an opportunity for training and personal development. Are you interested in a different industry than the one you recently left? Perhaps you were in the same role for a long period and want to study up on advances in that area. Going forward, you don’t want to settle for just being competent in your career; you will want to excel in it. Actively pursuing training and development ensures that your knowledge and skills are always relevant. There are many courses available online and across Ireland to brush up on your skills and indeed learn new ones.


  1. Take up a new hobby so work doesn’t define you, or perhaps revisit an old hobby. Our time in lockdown reminded us that having a well-rounded life is important and a real boost to our mental health. In the same vein as personal development, there are courses for a range of hobbies available online. Lose yourself in the latest best-seller; dust off the acoustic guitar; learn a few phrases in a foreign language. Remember that you are more than your job and taking time for yourself to enjoy your favourite pastime is time well spent.



  1. Work on your narrative. You want to forge your own path? Then you need to start by telling your story in your own words. Before long, you will be interviewing for a new job and you will want to be able to showcase what you enjoyed in your last role, what you learned in your last role, and what you want now. Beyond traditional interviewing, you will also want to take advantage of your own personal network. Does your best friend’s brother work at your dream company? Take this time to perfect your “elevator pitch”. Before you can get what you want, you need to know how to ask for what you want.



  1. Take control. Create an action plan and set goals. Update your CV. Decide on how many job applications you will send per day and make sure you send them. Check in with 3 new contacts per week. Keep on top of your LinkedIn profile. Has your old company included an outplacement service with your redundancy package? Take advantage of that service. Be proactive and work with your outplacement co-ordinator.

One day soon, you’re going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up. You may be in a new job or a different career altogether and realise that, while redundancy is a difficult thing to face, this was a turning point in your life. It forced you to take stock of who you are and build a version of yourself based on your own personal values. Change, while unnerving, is an invitation to opportunity. Before today, you were sitting in the passenger’s seat, being driven down a road you were familiar with, but it wasn’t a route of your choosing. Take this time to identify your values, take the wheel, and forge your own path.


Click here for more information on Proactive Outplacement.

Hiring Staff in 2020

This year has brought with it some significant changes to most sectors around Ireland. There is no doubt that with such change comes uncertainty as to what’s going to happen. Many employers are not in a position to make long term recruitment decisions, leaving them at a loss. Other trends that are appearing this year are shorter work days, extended remote working and virtual recruitment processes.

As a recruitment agency, all of our consultants are monitoring these trends as we come into the final quarter of the year. As we approach 2021, there are still a lot of uncertainties for the future. However, working with a recruiter can at least keep you up to date and prepared for whatever could happen.


Working with a Recruiter

It is crucial that any employer has the knowledge to make informed decisions that are the best option for them. Recruiters pride themselves on their extensive expertise in their specialised sector. Working with a recruiter will ensure you’re equipped to make important hiring arrangements. We understand that you may not be in a position to make long-term commitments or decisions right now. Nevertheless, planning ahead and looking at all your options may solve your short-term problem. For example, you may not be in a position or have the approval to hire a full-time staff member. There are other options which may solve that problem. Contract and part-time staff are becoming more prominent across various sectors/ industries around the country. Recruitment agencies have access to a wide scope of candidates looking for short or long term positions.


Recruitment consultants are there at hand to advise you on all options available to you. Staying informed of all insights and changes in the market is going to keep you one step ahead. We believe that an honest and upfront approach is what is working best. These are unprecedented times; they call for for transparency and vigilance to keep up to date.


New Hiring Methods

It’s the year of Zoom. No matter how technologically inclined you are, 2020 had everyone picking up a device and using the video call tool. The way in which we approached many aspects of both our professional and personal lives changed. The process of screening and recruiting staff has had to make a shift with interviews being conducted over Zoom. The onus was and is on the recruitment agency to ensure that all consultants are fully equipped with the knowledge to carry out these interviews. For us, it was important that we have advanced IT infrastructure that guarantees that all interviews with candidates run smoothly and without issues.


So, what can a recruiter offer you?

  • Consultants will keep you up to date with new trends and insights, so that you can make the most informed decisions.
  • They can offer multiple solutions for both short and long-term positions.
  • They can assure you that the interview process runs smoothly, even though no physical screening can take place.

Adapting to our new norm and avoiding complacency is how we can make it through these trying and unsettling times. Work with a recruitment agency to plan for the future and make informative decisions for current and future hires.


To speak to one of our consultants, click here. We have our team at the ready in Stillorgan and Dundalk to facilitate your employment needs.

In This Together

Slowly but surely Ireland has been winning the battle against Covid-19 with new daily cases of the virus peaking in mid month and declining since, and with the mortality rate declining slightly according to latest figures, we can all hope for a very gradual transition over the coming months to something like the sort of social interaction and work scenarios that existed prior to this disease.

It will take all of our continued support to get to this position and we salute the HSE and medical scientific community in Ireland in their ongoing fight on our behalf.

So come on Ireland, let’s show our neighbouring countries that we’ve the determination and the resilience to fight this virus by continuing to respect social distancing and by staying home.

Recruitment Plus is proud to be supporting our clients in the healthcare sector by working tirelessly to source Temporary Front-line Healthcare Assistants who can offer immediate support during this crisis.  If you are interested in joining the fight against Covid-19, contact RecruitmentPlus today on 01 2788610 or email anne@rplus.ie or bernice@rplus.ie

Great Place To Work

Great Place to Work 2020 Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

RecruitmentPlus Named as One of the Best Workplaces in Ireland

We are delighted to announce that we have been officially recognised as one of the Best Workplaces in Ireland in 2020. The annual Great Place to Work, Best Workplaces in Ireland awards, took place in the Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road, Dublin on Wednesday 26th February 2020. This is our first year to be named as a top Irish workplace, which is assessed through Great Place to Work’s robust ‘Trust Index©’ employee survey and a thorough ‘Culture Audit©’ assessment of their policies and practices.

We were ranked as the 14th best small workplace in Ireland.

In attendance on the evening were Anne-Marie Wallace, Bernice Brennan, Hazel Whelan, Lorna Ward, Zuzana Foley and Managing Director Anne Fanthom who says, “Thanks to all our colleagues, candidates and clients for their good wishes on our Great Places to Work achievement.  The team are thrilled and reaching 14th place out of 37 in our first year of entry is a huge accolade.”


About Great Place to Work® and the Assessment Process

The key defining feature of a great workplace is the level of trust that exists within it. From an employee’s viewpoint, the definition of a great workplace is one where you trust the people you work with, you have great pride in what you do, and you enjoy the people you work with. The Great Place to Work Institute assesses the policies and practices in place in organisations under nine key areas: Inspiring, Speaking, Listening, Caring, Developing, Thanking, Hiring, Celebrating, and Sharing. They then benchmark these practices against other organisations in that country. The second key component of the assessment is an anonymous Trust Index survey that gathers the perceptions of employees under five dimensions: Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride, and Camaraderie. Finally, there is an in-depth qualitative analysis of open-ended comments from employees.