Conquering Second Round Interview Jitters woman sits in a chair nervously awaiting a job interview

Conquering Second-Round Interview Jitters

Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated the first round of interviews and have been invited back for a second round. While this is undoubtedly an exciting opportunity to further showcase your skills and qualifications, it’s natural to feel nervous or anxious before the big day. Second round interview jitters are common, but with the right strategies, you can calm your nerves and present yourself confidently. Here are some tips to help you conquer those interview jitters and ace your second-round interview.


Prepare Thoroughly

One of the most effective ways to calm your nerves is to be well-prepared. Review the job description, company information, and any feedback or insights from your first-round interview. Research the company culture, recent news, and industry trends to demonstrate your interest and knowledge during the interview. Practise your responses to common interview questions and prepare examples that showcase your skills and experiences. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel walking into the interview room.


Visualise Success

Take some time before your interview to visualise yourself succeeding. Imagine yourself confidently answering questions, engaging with the interviewer, and showcasing your expertise. Visualising success can help boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. Picture yourself leaving a positive impression on the interviewer and ultimately landing the job. By focusing on positive outcomes, you’ll approach the interview with a more optimistic and empowered mindset.


Practise Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your pre-interview routine to help calm your nerves. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calmness. Take a few moments before your interview to centre yourself, clear your mind, and focus on your breath. Relaxation techniques can help you feel more grounded and composed, allowing you to perform at your best during the interview.


Stay Positive and Confident

It’s essential to maintain a positive and confident attitude throughout the interview process. Remind yourself of your qualifications, achievements, and strengths, and approach the interview with self-assurance. Focus on what you can control, such as your preparation, attitude, and communication skills, rather than worrying about the outcome. Projecting confidence and positivity can make a significant impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of success.


Visualise the Interview as a Conversation

Instead of viewing the interview as a high-stakes interrogation, try to reframe it as a friendly conversation between two professionals. Remember that the interviewer is not only evaluating your skills and qualifications but also assessing your fit with the company culture and team dynamics. Approach the interview as an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue, ask thoughtful questions, and learn more about the company and role. Viewing the interview as a conversation can help alleviate pressure and foster a more relaxed and authentic exchange.


Focus on the Present Moment

Instead of dwelling on past experiences or worrying about future outcomes, focus on the present moment during your interview. Listen attentively to the interviewer’s questions, respond thoughtfully, and engage actively in the conversation. Pay attention to your body language, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate active listening skills. By staying present and engaged, you’ll appear more confident and capable to the interviewer.


In conclusion, second round interview jitters are common, but with the right strategies, you can overcome them and perform at your best. By preparing thoroughly, visualising success, practising relaxation techniques, staying positive and confident, visualising the interview as a conversation, and focusing on the present moment, you can calm your nerves and present yourself confidently during your second-round interview. Remember to be yourself, showcase your skills and experiences, and approach the interview with enthusiasm and professionalism. With a calm and confident demeanour, you’ll impress the interviewer and increase your chances of securing the job.


For additional support, consider contacting RecruitmentPlus for expert assistance with interview preparation and valuable insights from experienced recruitment consultants. Their guidance can further enhance your confidence and readiness, ensuring you put your best foot forward in the interview process. Follow us on LinkedIn or contact us directly.

Tips for Jobseekers Working with Recruiters

In today’s competitive job market, working with a recruiter can be a valuable asset in your job search journey. Recruiters have access to job opportunities, industry insights, and connections with hiring managers that can help you land your dream job. However, to make the most of this partnership, it’s essential to understand how to effectively work with a recruiter. Here are some tips for jobseekers working with recruiters to help navigate the recruitment process and maximise their chances of success.


  1. Choose the Right Recruiter

Not all recruiters are created equal, so it’s crucial to choose the right one for your needs. Research different recruitment agencies or independent recruiters specialising in your industry or desired field. Look for recruiters with a proven track record of success, positive reviews from candidates, and a deep understanding of your industry. Building a strong relationship with a reputable recruiter can significantly enhance your job search experience.


  1. Be Clear About Your Goals and Preferences

Before engaging with a recruiter, take the time to clarify your career goals, preferences, and priorities. What type of role are you seeking? What industries or companies are you interested in? What are your salary expectations and geographic preferences? Communicate these preferences clearly and concisely to your recruiter to ensure they can effectively match you with relevant job opportunities.


  1. Provide a Well-Formatted CV

Your CV is your first impression with a recruiter, so make sure it’s well-formatted, error-free, and tailored to the roles you’re targeting. Highlight your key skills, experiences, and achievements in a clear and concise manner. Use keywords and phrases relevant to your industry to increase your chances of being matched with suitable job openings. A polished CV will make it easier for recruiters to market you to potential employers.


  1. Maintain Open Communication

Communication is key to a successful partnership with a recruiter. Keep your recruiter updated on any changes to your job search preferences, availability, or contact information. Respond promptly to emails, calls, and interview requests from your recruiter to demonstrate your commitment and professionalism. Be open and honest about your expectations, concerns, and feedback throughout the recruitment process.


  1. Prepare for Interviews

If your recruiter secures interviews on your behalf, it’s essential to be well-prepared. Research the company, review the job description, and practice your interview responses to common questions. Communicate with your recruiter to get insights into the company culture, interview format, and expectations. Dress appropriately, arrive on time, and bring copies of your CV and any relevant documents. By demonstrating preparedness and enthusiasm during interviews, you’ll make a positive impression on potential employers.


  1. Seek Feedback and Follow Up

After interviews or interactions with potential employers, seek feedback from your recruiter to identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine your approach and enhance your chances of success in future opportunities. Additionally, follow up with your recruiter to provide updates on interview outcomes and discuss next steps. Maintaining regular communication and feedback loops with your recruiter will help them better support you in your job search journey.


Working with an experienced recruiter – like the ones at RecruitmentPlus –  can be a valuable resource for jobseekers looking to advance their careers. By choosing the right recruiter, clearly communicating your goals and preferences, providing a well-formatted CV, maintaining open communication, preparing for interviews, seeking feedback, and following up diligently, you can maximise your chances of success in the recruitment process. Remember that building a strong partnership with your recruiter requires mutual trust, respect, and collaboration. With the right approach, you can leverage the expertise of recruiters to find exciting job opportunities and achieve your career goals.

5 Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Other Job Candidates

Following on from last month’s blog on Crafting Your Personal Brand, we’d like to show you the next steps in ensuring you stand out from the crowd when applying for the roles you want.  In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to find ways to set yourself apart from other candidates vying for the same position. While having the right qualifications and experience is important, it’s often the extra effort and unique qualities that catch the attention of employers. Whether you’re applying for a new job or seeking advancement in your career, here are 5 ways to differentiate yourself from other job candidates and increase your chances of landing your dream job.


  1. Craft a Personalized Application: Instead of sending out generic resumes and cover letters, take the time to tailor your application materials to each specific job opportunity. Research the company and the role thoroughly to understand their needs, values, and culture. Highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job requirements and demonstrate your potential contribution to the organization. A personalized application shows employers that you’re genuinely interested in the position and willing to invest the effort to make a positive impression.


  1. Showcase Your Unique Skills and Experiences: Identify and emphasize your unique skills, experiences, and accomplishments that set you apart from other candidates. Whether it’s a specialized certification, language proficiency, volunteer work, or a passion project, highlight aspects of your background that demonstrate your versatility, creativity, and initiative. Use concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate how your unique skills and experiences have contributed to your success and prepared you for the role. By showcasing your individuality and value proposition, you’ll capture the attention of employers and leave a memorable impression.


  1. Demonstrate Your Passion and Enthusiasm: Employers are drawn to candidates who are genuinely passionate and enthusiastic about the opportunity to work for their organization. Communicate your enthusiasm for the role and the company during interviews, networking events, and interactions with hiring managers. Express your genuine interest in the company’s mission, values, and goals, and articulate why you’re excited about the opportunity to contribute to their success. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude can leave a lasting impression and convey your commitment to making a meaningful impact.


  1. Go Above and Beyond in Your Preparation: Stand out from other candidates by going above and beyond in your preparation for interviews and assessments. Research the company, industry trends, and relevant topics extensively to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the business landscape. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask during interviews that showcase your curiosity, critical thinking, and genuine interest in learning more about the company and the role. Additionally, practice your interview responses and presentation skills to ensure that you communicate confidently and effectively during the selection process. By demonstrating thorough preparation and professionalism, you’ll differentiate yourself as a top candidate.


  1. Build Meaningful Relationships and Networks: The last of our 5 ways to differentiate yourself from other job candidates is to network. In addition to showcasing your qualifications and skills, focus on building meaningful relationships and networks within your industry or desired field. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and engage with thought leaders and influencers in your area of expertise. Networking provides opportunities to connect with potential employers, learn about hidden job opportunities, and gain valuable insights and advice from seasoned professionals. Building a strong professional network not only enhances your visibility and credibility but also opens doors to new career opportunities and collaborations. You can follow RecruitmentPlus on LinkedIn for career advice and to be the first to see when live jobs are posted.


*Bonus Step* Work with an Experienced Recruiter: The consultants at RecruitmentPlus can be there for you every step of the way and indeed assist with all the above strategies. They can tailor your application to the client. They will enthusiastically discuss your application with their clients and express why you’re the ideal candidate for their vacancy. They can work with you on interview prep for the specific client you’re meeting with as they know their clients and can give you insider tips on how to succeed.


Standing out from other job candidates requires a combination of preparation, authenticity, and proactive engagement. By crafting personalized applications, showcasing your unique skills and experiences, demonstrating passion and enthusiasm, going above and beyond in your preparation, and building meaningful relationships and networks, you’ll distinguish yourself as a standout candidate in the eyes of employers. Remember to stay true to yourself, highlight your strengths, and seize every opportunity to showcase your value and potential contribution to the organizations you aspire to join. And remember, a great recruiter will help you every step of the way.

A Recruiter’s Advice for Graduates: 8 Tips for Career Success

Big congratulations are in order! You’ve finally made it to the other side of your academic life. For some, maybe just for now. Either way, you’re more than likely over the moon to be entering this new stage of your life. As you take your first steps into the job market, navigating the landscape of job applications, interviews, and career choices can feel overwhelming. For many of you, it will be the first time that your life hasn’t been mapped out before you. For the first time, you and only you must figure out what’s next. Don’t let this freak you out. It’s a very exciting time! So, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into the world of career success. By building this knowledge, you will strengthen your ability to seize opportunities, overcome obstacles, and create a rewarding career path. Remember, your journey doesn’t end with securing your first job; it is only the beginning of your career which will be filled with many more opportunities. We’re giving our advice to graduates with 8 tips for career success.


1. Figure out what you really want


Until this point, your decisions have been pretty clear. You picked a course that sounded like a good fit and off you went. Now, it is a different story. The possibilities are endless and you need to decide what your next step is going to be. Take a step back and figure out what truly excites you. Reflect on your strengths, interests, and long-term career goals. While the possibilities may seem overwhelming, identifying your true calling will guide you towards the most fulfilling career path. We think it’s important to reiterate here that your first job doesn’t have to be your career for life. All decisions are stepping stones to long-term happiness and success.

2. Reach out to a recruiter

RecruitmentPlus can be your strongest ally in the job search process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and share your career aspirations or just ask for advice. Our industry insights and extensive network can provide valuable guidance, ultimately helping you find the right opportunities tailored to your skills and interests. If you would like to find out more about what makes RecruitmentPlus unique, give our blog Trusted Recruitment Agencies in Ireland a read.

To get started:  01 2788610 /

3. Get interview ready

We’re going to tell you something that you might not want to hear, but it’s important! Interviews can be nerve-wracking. The only way to overcome your nerves and gain confidence is by doing them. The more you do, the easier it gets. Getting past that first couple will help you build up confidence and also practice answering and asking the right questions. Conviction and readiness are the keys to leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

Get Help Writing Your CV

Top 10 Interview Questions YOU Need to Ask

4. Start networking

Creating a strong network plays a pivotal role in achieving career success. Make sure you update your LinkedIn profile with any new experience you’ve gained, connect with new contacts in the industry you want to work in and update your status to Open to Work. Your LinkedIn page is an excellent place to share your insights and knowledge. Start networking with other professionals in your field or the field in which you are interested in working.

5. Research companies

Before you go ahead and submit an application to any company, it is essential to do your research to gain insights into their core values, work culture, and overall work environment. Understanding these aspects will allow you to identify companies that resonate with your personal values and career goals. Choosing a company that aligns with who you are is going to lead to an enriched and fulfilled work life. Look at what a company can offer you rather than it being solely the other way around. Will this company help me stay on the path I want? Will I be able to gain the experience I need to progress my career? These are important questions to consider.

6. Develop your soft skills

You’ve spent the last 3 or 4 years developing your hard/ technical skills through your third-level education. And while hard skills are vital, soft skills like communication, teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving are equally valuable. To make yourself stand out as a well-rounded candidate to employers, concentrate on developing these skills through workshops, seminars, or volunteer work. We’ve written a great article about transferable skills and how they can help set you apart.

7. Stay focused and be patient

This will not happen overnight. The job search process can be difficult, and you might encounter rejection. Concentrate on your objectives and be patient. Keep in mind that finding the ideal job takes time and that every setback is an opportunity to grow stronger and learn from your experiences. Working with a recruiter can help to keep your spirits high and help you stay focused.

8. Believe in yourself

Before you can expect anyone to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. Success depends on confidence. Be confident in your skills, appreciate your accomplishments, and don’t be afraid to highlight your special talents in interviews. Develop a positive outlook and keep in mind that you can have a big impact in the field you’ve chosen. Know that you have a lot to give a company while staying humble enough to know you have a lot to learn.

Following these helpful pointers in your post-graduate journey will put you on the right track for success. As you begin this new chapter of your professional life, embrace the challenges, learn from every experience, and never lose sight of what you want and deserve. Good luck!



20 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin
01 2788610


68 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, County Louth.
042 9356910

transferable skills

How to Use Transferable Skills to Land a New Job

It is not uncommon in today’s job market for employees to make multiple role changes throughout their careers. Whether you’re changing industries, exploring new roles, or embarking on a fresh career path, the ability to effectively leverage your skill set can be a game-changer.

In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to utilise your transferable skills and land a new job. We will explore the importance of identifying your transferable skills, matching them to job requirements, and highlighting their relevance through tailored CVs. Additionally, we’ll delve into how working with an expert recruitment agency like RecruitmentPlus can maximise your chances of success.

What are Transferable Skills?

Transferable skills are the expertise, proficiency, and experiences that you gain throughout your life and can apply to a wide range of jobs and careers. By understanding how to showcase and utilise these valuable skills, you can position yourself as a highly desirable candidate and successfully navigate the job search process. We guarantee you are a lot more equipped than you realise to go after the career or role you want. What is important is that you’re able to identify and leverage what you have, rather than what you wished you had.


Identifying Your Transferable Skills


So, how can you figure out exactly what your transferable skills are? First, it’s important to note that there are two types of skills: hard and soft.


A hard skill refers to a specific technical or specialised expertise that can be taught, learned, and measured. It refers to a tangible and quantifiable level of proficiency. Most hard skills are gained through education, training, or certification.

Hard Skill Examples

  1. Graphic Design: Skill in using software like Adobe Photoshop.
  2. Foreign Languages: Fluency in multiple languages.
  3. Accounting: Knowledge of financial principles, bookkeeping, and proficiency in accounting software like QuickBooks or Excel.
  4. Technical Writing: Ability to write clear and concise technical documents, manuals, or reports.
  5. Project Management: Familiarity with project management methodologies like Agile or Scrum, and tools like Microsoft Project or Jira.
  6. Network Administration: Skill in configuring and managing computer networks, including routers, switches, and firewalls.
  7. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data entry skills, often involving typing speed and accuracy.


A soft skill refers to a personal attribute or characteristic that relates to how individuals interact with others and navigate their environment.

Soft Skill Examples

  1. Communication: The ability to effectively convey information, listen actively, and express ideas clearly to individuals or groups.
  2. Leadership: The readiness to inspire and motivate others, take initiative, and guide a team towards shared goals.
  3. Problem-Solving: The skill of analysing challenges, thinking critically, and finding innovative solutions.
  4. Adaptability: The flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances, embrace new technologies or processes, and thrive in dynamic environments.
  5. Teamwork: The ability to collaborate, cooperate, and work cooperatively with others towards a common aim.
  6. Conflict Resolution: The skill of managing and resolving conflicts or disagreements constructively, fostering positive working relationships.
  7. Critical Thinking: The ability to analyse information, evaluate different perspectives, and make informed decisions.


We all gain soft and hard skills in our personal and professional lives. However, they may not be obvious to us without taking the time to identify them.


Tip: Get out a pen and paper. Split the paper into two sections and write “personal” and “professional” on the top of each section. Think about everything you do throughout the day and write down the skills needed to complete each of these tasks. Think about your previous experiences such as work, school or personal projects. What skills did you gain or use?


How to Use Transferable Skills to Find a New Job


We want to take you step-by-step through how to use transferable skills to your advantage so you can find the job of your dreams.


Step One: Identify Your Transferable Skills

As explained above, make that list of all of your skills and abilities both in a personal and professional capacity.


Step Two: Understand the Job Requirements

Review the job description of a role you’re interested in and identify the skills and qualifications that are required for the role. Don’t get too hung up on the specific industry or job title and focus on the main abilities needed instead.


Step Three: Compare Your Skills to The Skills Needed

Figure out which of your skills (from the list you’ve already created) compare to the ones outlined by the company or employer. Think about your own work experience and how your skills relate to the position you’re going to apply for.


Step Four: Update Your CV

It’s vital that you tailor your CV to emphasise the most relevant skills that you possess. It is also important to highlight your accomplishments and show how you have successfully used your skill set in past roles. Customise your CV and cover letter and write it in a way that helps the reader know you understand exactly what will be expected of them.

Tip: visit our CV Clinic for more advice on crafting the perfect CV.

Step Five: Contact RecruitmentPlus

Navigating career changes or seeking new opportunities can be a daunting task. However, with the help of a skilled recruitment agency, the process becomes much smoother. Not only do we offer valuable insights and expertise, but we also provide the much-needed support of a consultant who truly understands your situation. Our dedicated consultants take your previous experience into account, working closely with you to prepare you for interviews and connect you with your dream company. With their guidance, you can confidently step into the next chapter of your career journey.

How to Get Started

Step One: Find out more information about RecruitmentPlus

Step Two: Contact our team of expert recruiters to discuss your needs

Step Three: Search our Live Jobs 

Step Four: Upload your CV

Suggested Further Reading

10 Interview Questions YOU Need to Ask 

Working with a Temping Agency to Get Your Career Back on Track 


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accepting a job offer or counteroffer

Should You Accept Counteroffers?

We can’t lie, receiving a counteroffer feels good. Our sense of being wanted and appreciated can be heightened at that moment. With your resignation letter, you’ve received an offer from your employer, perhaps for more money, better benefits or a promoted position. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of this counteroffer, but when you stop and think about it, is that really what you want?
As expert recruiters, we’ve seen this dilemma play out in our candidates’ lives, in real-time, many times. The decision is ultimately your own. But first, read this article, and if nothing else, it will give you some food for thought on what the best choice is going to be for you.

Reasons for Accepting Counteroffers

It’s all well and good to state that “money isn’t everything”. However, for so many of us, money is one of the most important factors we consider when it comes to our careers. Especially in the current climate and the shared experience we have lived through for the past 3 years, there is no denying that money, and lack of it, contributes to daily stress and worry. So, is there any surprise that many people accept a counteroffer when it guarantees a pay raise? That is just one reason why employees choose to stay with their current company. Let’s take a look at some more of them.


Fear plays a massive role in our decision-making. The fear of the new role not working out, fear of the unknown in general. The thing about fear is that, more often than not, it lies to us. Robin S Sharma, best-selling author of “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” said: Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

So when figuring out what choice to make, think about what is holding you back and if there is any merit to the narrative you’re telling yourself.

Comfort and Familiarity

It’s science. As humans, we seek familiarity. But why? An article written by Shanelle Mullin gives great insight; “From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense that familiarity leads to comfort. Something you’re familiar with is less likely to hurt you. Or, at least, hurt you in an unexpected way. We don’t want to risk the unfamiliar.” So, is it any wonder that we can be tempted to stick to our old ways, even if in the long run, it isn’t what we want?

Avoid Being the Newbie

No one likes being the new person in the office and learning the ropes all over again. Different people, different atmosphere, different software, different milk in the staff fridge. Ok, the last one you could get over pretty quickly. But in all seriousness, of course, there is going to be a period of discomfort when starting a new role in a new company. However, don’t mistake discomfort for danger. Remember those lies your fear told you? Those feelings will only last a short time and before you know it, you will feel you belong.

The Reasons to Turn Down a Counteroffer

By now you might have guessed that we don’t consider accepting counteroffers to be the best choice… and with good reason. 80% of employees who choose to accept a counteroffer from their employer end up leaving the company anyway within the next 6 months. Eighty per cent. We cannot deny from this staggering statistic that counteroffers don’t usually work. They don’t solve the problem and can lead to you missing amazing opportunities. Here are some of the main reasons why you might turn down a counteroffer.

Remember Why You Were Job Hunting in the First Place

You got caught up in the moment and started to seriously consider accepting your existing employer’s offer, that dangling carrot. Once you step back from the situation, you start to remember the reason you were seeking out another job in the first place. If the reason for leaving goes beyond your pay grade, then accepting the counteroffer won’t fix your motivations for leaving.

Money Isn’t The Most Important Thing

I know what we said but we also have to give our “counter” argument for why staying for just the money isn’t the best choice for your happiness. Thinking of this is going to feel like an internal tug of war. On one hand, you may have a family and mortgage to consider and the counteroffer sounds like it can give you some relief in the expenses of living. On the other hand, you are thinking of YOU and how your true peace and happiness cannot be found in a number. What we will say is; if you have the luxury of doing what is going to make you happy, then try not to be tempted by the figures and follow through with your decision to leave. Trust yourself to make the right decision.

It Took You Leaving to Be Appreciated

The counteroffer has you feeling fuzzy inside for a split second… but hang on, why are you only being valued now that you are leaving? The decision to accept a counteroffer may have a lasting impact on your relationship with your current employer. They may also wonder what provoked you to want to leave, affecting the level of trust and loyalty in that working relationship.

New Opportunities

Accepting a counteroffer effectively closes the door to new career opportunities. Think about your long-term career goals. Where do you want to be in 5 years? If you had been seeking a new position, it is unlikely that you see yourself in your current role. Don’t be afraid to go after what you want. Your happiness depends on it.

Get Started with RecruitmentPlus

With RecruitmentPlus, you have not only an expert recruiter on your side but a person who will take on board all of your needs and desires. Since every candidate we have ever worked with has been unique, so is the service they have received. To get started with us, follow the steps below:

Step One: Upload Your CV
Step Two: Call Us – Stillorgan: 01 2788610/ Dundalk: 042 9356910
Step Three: Search Live Jobs

Suggested Further Reading

Overcoming Redundancy
Working With a Temping Agency

The Power of Finding a Job You Love

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Steve Jobs

He has a point. Essentially, we assume the reality that we will spend a substantial amount of time working. However, what we don’t have to settle for is what we do for work. We’re currently living in an era where we have more choice and accessibility than we have ever had before, right at our fingertips. Largely because of advances in technology, we have the ability to choose a different path should we see ourselves at a crossroads. We all know what it feels like to be really passionate about something. Perhaps it is a hobby, a sport, an instrument, a football team, or even a movie franchise! Imagine for a moment that finding a job you feel passionate about was something you could achieve. You really don’t have to imagine, a career that you love is accomplishable.

At Recruitment Plus, we have seen the true power of finding a job that you love. We wanted to share with you some of the wonderful benefits that you could experience if you dived into the unknown to find that passion. Not only that, we want to share with you how to take those first small steps. We understand it can feel overwhelming and scary to change careers. But what better time than now, right?

Benefits of Finding a Job You Love

It goes without saying that doing something that you love 5 days a week will probably make you happier. There is a plethora of other benefits you could experience from choosing a different career path, including:

Increased Productivity & Motivation

Doing something that doesn’t fulfil you, or worse that you actively dislike, is going to affect every part of your life, not just professionally. It is possible that the unhappiness you are feeling at work is going to spill over into your personal life, your relationships, and how you view yourself.

Those who have found a job doing what they love tend to be motivated and productive in all aspects of their lives. It is only natural for people to desire more of that feeling when they succeed at something they love. So, they are more inclined to pursue other long-term objectives. What this really means is that doing what you love could help you achieve success in other areas of your life.

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

A More Fulfilled Life

We spend way too much of our time working to just consider it a means to an end. Finding a job that fills your cup and makes you happy is going to help you feel that you’re living a meaningful life and not wasting it. Coming home after a hard day’s work should feel rewarding and fill you with satisfaction that the day was spent well. Far too many of us, at one stage or another, have felt the exact opposite of this. Interesting finds released by the Irish Examiner in April 2022 stated, “According to a survey, 55% of workers have fallen out of love with their job in the past 12 months — a 12% increase on last year. Of those, 48% felt stuck in a rut”.

As a recruitment agency that truly cares about employee welfare, we find this heartbreaking to read. We are sure there are many other surveys conducted both in Ireland and abroad, with similar results.

No hardworking person should feel stuck in a rut with their current career. At Rplus, we put so much time and energy into finding the perfect role for all candidates that go beyond salary expectations. Happiness within a role is vital and will have a positive impact on the candidate’s life overall.

Boost Your Chances of Success

The ripple effect of finding a job that you love and are passionate about is that you’ll likely have a lot of success in that role. With the positive energy you’ll bring to each task, you won’t need external motivation to get through each day. Doing work that aligns with who you are, what your values are and what really brings joy to YOU will allow you to perform your role with more ease and contentment.

Less Anxiety & Stress

“The Sunday Scaries”, “The Sunday Fear”, “A Case Of The Mondays”. There are probably several other expressions that offer the same sentiment. As a society, it has become all too acceptable to joke about the anxiety surrounding the work week. Of course, being apprehensive for the week ahead, or a little stressed over an important meeting is normal. However, dreading going to work each week and wishing for the weekend only causes anxiety and a feeling of despair. You really have to ask yourself, why do I feel like this? Perhaps the answer is simple: you aren’t doing something that lights you up and brings you happiness.


How Do You Start Finding a Job You Love?

You know you want to change, but just don’t know how to get started on your quest to find a job you truly love. Don’t worry! We have your back. Let us tell you about how temping could be the answer to finding exactly what you’re passionate about. So, what is “temping?”. A temporary employee is typically a person who works for a business periodically. The business ordinarily pays hourly or daily wages to temporary employees. As there is no permanent contract, you can decide to complete an assignment with as little as a week’s notice.

There are tons of great benefits you could avail of as a temporary employee, including

  • Freedom & flexibility
  • Exposure to a wide range of different industries
  • The chance to try different roles
  • The opportunity to grow your skill-set
  • Gives you the space to figure out what career you want

Temping is the perfect solution for employees who want the time and space to reflect on their careers and find out what’s next. If you have been unhappy in your job or “stuck in a rut”, temporary work gives you some deserved grace, while still making an income.

Give our team a call today to discuss how you could get started as a temp. Seize the moment to change the trajectory of your career. After all, don’t YOU deserve to be happy?

Our Offices

20 Lower Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Dublin
01 2788610

68 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, County Louth.
042 9356910



Suggested Further Reading: 5 Rules of Temping

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Job search anxiety can be defeated.

Job Search Anxiety: Recruitment Shouldn’t Be Scary.

The weather is getting colder. The nights are drawing in. It’s the time of year for pumpkins, ghosts and goblins. Halloween is meant to be frightening, but recruitment certainly shouldn’t be. So, what should you do if you find yourself in a nightmare recruitment scenario? Fear not, dear reader. We have you covered with tips on how to take the anxiety out of your job search.

Nightmare Scenario #1 – You have to update your CV.

You don’t have to be as prolific a writer as Stephen King to knock out your CV. A CV is a one to two-page summary of your education, skills and experience. Instead of looking at a blank page with absolute dread, think of this as your chance to show how you shine. It may have been a long time since you have done serious writing and you may not know where to start when writing your CV.  This first step causes a lot of job search anxiety. To help with that, we have created this blog to provide valuable tips and tricks on how to write the perfect resume.

Nightmare Scenario #2 – You don’t know where to start looking for a new job.

You can be afraid to watch a scary movie, but there’s no need to fear the job search process. There are many different ways to find a new job. You can look on Indeed or LinkedIn. You can also use your personal network and ask friends and family if they know of any openings in their workplace. Of course, we recommend working with a trusted recruitment consultant who will turn this nightmare into an actual dream. A good recruitment consultant will work with you closely to find the ideal job for you. In fact, you can start your job search here! See? not so scary after all.

Nightmare Scenario #3 – You don’t know how to network.

We mentioned above that you can use your personal network to look for a new job. Having said that, expanding your network beyond friends and family can also expand your opportunities. Networking comes easy to some and not so easily to others. Are you the kind of person who would rather invite a vampire into your home than invite someone out for a cup of coffee and a chat? Did you know that you can learn networking techniques? Read this article from The All-Ireland Business Foundation’s website.

Nightmare Scenario #4 – You’re not prepared for the interview process.

Preparing for a job interview can be daunting, but you have to remember, you’re not meeting face to face with a monster! You are going to be meeting with someone who has already seen your CV and thinks that you might have what it takes to do the job at hand. Your recruitment consultant will go through the specific interview process with you for the company you’re meeting with. You can also check out this blog post where we discuss common interview questions and how best to answer them.

Nightmare Scenario #5 – You don’t know what to wear.

The only thing harder than finding the perfect Halloween costume is figuring out the proper dress code for different work environments. While the old adage “dress for the job you want” is a good rule to stick by, how do you decipher what the difference is between corporate dress and business casual? Your recruitment consultant will know the company you’re interviewing with and will be able to give you guidance in this area. You can also read more about work dress codes here.

Nightmare #6 – You’re worried about your job offer.

First of all, you landed your ideal role. You fought through every nightmare scenario and came out on top. The company has offered the job to you. Congratulations! You don’t have to consult a Ouija board to predict your salary and benefits package. Our recruitment consultants work hard with our clients to ensure the remuneration is suitable for each role and will be upfront with you about what to expect. Your consultant will always work on your behalf to ensure best possible outcome for you and ease all feelings of job search anxiety along the way.

Keep in touch:



A recruiter in one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin

Spotlight on Recruitment

This blog post was going to be entitled A Day in the Life of a Recruiter, but really there is no typical day. No two days are alike because the resource our recruiters are dealing with is people. Their clients and candidates are all people with different needs, wants, personalities, and career goals. All of these differences make for a varied day at work. Read on to find out what it’s like to work for one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin.


So, what does a recruiter do?

A recruiter- also known as a recruitment consultant- is essentially in a sales role. A client will contact a recruitment consultant and request assistance in finding an employee for their company. Those potential employees are referred to as candidates. The recruiter then matches a candidate to the company’s job vacancy. Simple, right? Well, that’s just a basic explanation of what a recruiter does. As with any job, some people do the bare minimum and others excel in their roles.


What does a good recruitment consultant do?

A recruiter’s job is part human resources, part sales, part marketing, part negotiation but mostly it’s about listening. An important part of the job is the ability to listen and learn the needs of their candidates and work together with them to provide solutions to fulfil those needs. People are at the heart of recruitment. It’s not just a numbers game. It’s not about pulling a report from a database and using that information to fill a role. A CV can tell the basics of someone’s job history, but only in a one-on-one meeting (online or in-person) does a recruiter find out the WHY behind the CV. Why did the candidate take those specific roles to date? Why are they looking for a new job now? What plans do they have for their future career?

The same is true when a recruiter is working with a client. Again, the recruiter is not just working with some faceless company, they’re working with a person who needs to fill a vacancy. A good recruiter will do their best to understand the sector for which they are recruiting. Ideally, the recruiter will have had some real-world experience working in that sector. For example, if they’ve worked in Human Resources before, they will have a unique insight into what a client may need for a new HR Specialist vacancy. Anyone can learn sales techniques, but understanding the ins and outs of a specific sector will make someone stand out as a top recruiter.


What about job satisfaction?

One of the top reasons for job satisfaction in recruitment is the knowledge that the recruiter has made a difference in a candidate’s life. There are few things better than knowing a candidate is in a happier place because you’ve helped them source a new role where their personality is a good fit for the company’s culture.


Recruiters also love their jobs because they get the opportunity to grow their professional networks both with their clients as well as candidates. It’s a very rewarding role but it also requires hard work, resourcefulness, and versatility. A reputable agency will offer a basic salary along with a fair commission structure.


Have you considered a career in recruitment?

If you feel you have the right attitude, determination to succeed, and a winning personality, contact RecruitmentPlus today on 01 2788610. You could work for one of the best recruitment agencies in Dublin!


Not only do we offer a favourable salary, but the following benefits as well:

  • Commission with uncapped commission structure
  • Quarterly bonuses
  • Annual bonus
  • Mobile phone
  • 4 weeks AL which increases with tenure
  • Birthday day off
  • Social events
  • ERF Certificate in Recruitment Practice
  • A great working environment with a team who has been together for over 20 years.

Learn more about our company and culture on our Linkedin page.

Call us today on 01 2788610, visit  or email your CV in the strictest confidence to

Workspace Spring Clean

Minute by minute, the days are getting longer. Day by day, the birdsong grows louder. After what feels like a 2-year long winter, spring is around the corner. Get ready for this hopeful time of year by organizing a spring clean of your workspace!


Define your workspace(s). 

Are you working from home in a spare room? Do you have a desk in your company office? Do you make business calls from your car between sales visits? These can all be defined as your workspaces. You may use one or a variety of these spaces. If you use more than one of these spaces, make sure to “spring clean” each one!


Throw out rubbish/ bring coffee cups to the kitchen. 

Some people are tidier than others, so you’ll know if this applies to you. If you’re the type of person who brings their second – or third- mug of tea to their workspace without clearing up the mug(s) already there, or if your rubbish bin is constantly overflowing, this tip is for you. A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. You will be able to focus much more clearly when you’ve cleared your space. Each time you leave your workspace, have a look around to see if there’s anything you can clear from your space. Soon this will be a habit and your desk will never look better.


File away documents and shred what’s no longer needed. 

A place for everything and everything in its place! Now is a good time to set up files for 2022 (if you haven’t done so already) and file paperwork away accordingly- whether you use paper or digitized methods. When you know where all your important documents are located, it saves you time and worry. You should also take the time to see if there is any documentation containing data you should no longer hold on to. Check with your company’s Data Protection Officer and make sure you are up to date with GDPR requirements.


Clean your desktop, keyboard, phone, and more. 

This is probably something you’ve gotten into the habit of over the past couple of years. Even if you wipe off these spaces daily, you’ll want to do a more thorough job for your spring clean. Take note of every surface that you touch in your workspace. Get a soft cloth and an antibacterial cleanser and get to work! Don’t forget places like the armrests of your chair or the switch on your desk lamp. Use caution when cleaning electronic items. You can purchase tech-specific antibacterial cleaning kits online or through most stationery supply companies.


Make this space your own. 

This is the fun part. Some offices may have rules on what you can and cannot put in your workspace. Please keep those rules in mind! Having said that, most will allow you some personal items. Does a certain colour pen inspire you to write better proposals? Then get yourself that pen. Are you more likely to keep a handwritten diary than a digital one? Then make sure you have a diary on your desk. Are you working towards a specific goal? Then maybe hang up a picture of your dream house to remind you why you’re saving up for a deposit. Do you have a dream holiday location? Print out an image of that beach scene or cityscape. You need items that encourage you to work at your best level as well as reminders of why you’re working so hard.


Spring Clean the mind!

Now that your physical space is cleared, time to clear any issues going on in your mind. Are you worried your company won’t offer you a hybrid work scheme? Have you noticed that your salary isn’t quite keeping up with inflation? Are you perhaps ready for a completely new challenge? Contact the consultants at RecruitmentPlus today. The answers to your workplace worries could be just a phone call away.